Inflow forecasts at flexible lead-times according to meteorological evolution
in the upstream catchment

Inflow forecasts at flexible lead-times according to meteorological evolution in the upstream catchment




Novarza Dam
Udine, Italy


Sauris Lake
Udine, Italy


Verzegnis Lake
Udine, Italy

Novarza Dam
Udine, Italy

Sauris Lake
Udine, Italy

Verzegnis Lake
Udine, Italy


A2A S.p.A. is a leading Italian multi-utility company with expertise in energy, environmental, and water services, emphasising digital innovation and sustainability. The company encounters challenges in accurately forecasting water inflow for its hydroelectric plants, particularly during unpredictable events like droughts.


Water inflow forecasting is a complex task influenced by various catchment-scale factors such as weather changes and water abstraction by third parties. Despite this complexity, accurate forecasts are crucial for effective plant management at different time levels. In the short term, precise forecasts enhance safety and optimise dispatching to energy markets, while in the medium and long term, they provide valuable insights for budgeting energy production. The conventional approach, relying on historical averages and local observations, proves insufficient. To address these challenges, a robust hydrological model is essential. Such a model can significantly improve water flow forecasts, contributing to better safety, optimal energy dispatching, and precise budgeting for current and future energy


Enhance the accuracy of water inflow predictions for hydropower plants, considering upstream influences and meteorological variations.

Enable precise short-term forecasting to boost safety and market dispatch efficiency.

Provide reliable data for budgeting and long-term energy production planning.

Develop a robust hydrological model to improve water flow forecasts.